Saturday, May 28, 2011
Oh so happy photo session.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Engagement pics today!
Finally weather has decided to clear enough so we can have our engagements taken today! I'm so excited! I really feel we are gonna get the look we want. Keep a look out for when we get em. 8]
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sneak preview.
So we're thinking weather is going to be bad again. :[ I just want to be able to have our pictures taken. My fingers are still crossed that we get a break so we can keep our scheduled appointment. Either way, I have my dress!! I'm obviously ecstatic about this. Here's the closest to a sneak preview you'll get of my wedding garb until the big day!
Enjoy! ^_^

Tyler the happy kiddo.
So we ordered Tyler's wedding band the other day and it arrived! I wish I had gotten a picture of his happiness ha ha. He was running around like a little kid nearly all day. He's been wearing constantly so luckily I don't believe in wedding superstitions. ^_^
Here's a picture of his ring in all its glory. I sure do love my little batman nerdy. :]

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Laying in bed..
I'm just laying here in bed thinking about my life. I'm so lucky to have found the love of my life. I love Tyler with all my heart and can't imagine my life with out him. He is the most loving kind hearted man I've ever met. He can cheer me up and out of my depression. I truly can't wait until we get to say I do. It will be the best thing ever. So excited for the beginning of the rest of our life.
I love you Tyler and I always will.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
So I've set up mobile blogging which hopefully means more updates. Yay. So for randomosities sake, heres a sleeping Bentley.